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Saturday, February 12, 2011

What is Love

 What is Love???

Hi there it's me again Raymond now our topic is about love there are different kinds of love like love for our country love for oneself love for nature love for family love for God love for friends and many other.

Love For God 
My Love for God is everything you know why because he created us and I mean he created everything plant animals planets everything, so if I have a very serious problem that I think no one can solve it I just pray to God and I think everything could be fine or be good and because of him I can be never afraid with the problems I am going to encounter.

Love for Nature
My for nature is by taking care of it many people already forgotten the wonders and beauty of nature but for me I haven't forgotten it I do it by taking care of plant planting more trees following the RRR or as we know Reduce,Reuse, Recycle by these I show my love for nature.

Love for my Family
My love for my Family is Everything because they are always there for me when I have a problem and because of their teachings lessons and their advices I've been a good Individual.

Love for our Country
I love my country and because of that I follow rule I respect Road Rules I study Nationalism for our country I study my Nation's history and many more and just simple as that I can show my love for my country.


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