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Saturday, March 5, 2011

What is Happiness??? :)

The topic for our new post is what is happiness

What is happiness? is where many people want for their lives to be Enjoying, playing, laughing together,many people want to live that way but you know that too much happiness can cause you laziness I know that if you are enjoying too much you can forget the problems and the bad thing that happen to you well you can not just live your whole life being happy because you cannot escape your problems in life such as losing money losing a friend yes you can be happy but not too much you cannot escape your problems just face it, that life is what just to be like a wheel it’s just keep rotating it’s just like driving a car and your tire has been hit by a pointy rock and you didn’t expect it it’s just like problems it can just show any time so expect the unexpected you  should be ready at all times but then again you can enjoy and solve your problem at the same time you can have fun with your friend and relatives and if you have problems ask for help to a Friend  to your family but most of all ask help to God because only he can solve any problems and difficulties you've encountered.

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